the tools were already there
The tools have already been here. The brain connects ideas, not Obsidian.

saw this in a blog post at minutestomidnight:
we solved the interconnections between people on the internet years ago. RSS has this specific purpose, email serves the rest. All that time spent making this website compatible with webmentions should have been used communicating directly with people. The tools were already there.
It resonated with me. In the world of big ideas and designs and inaction, I spent hours looking at PKM systems, note-taking apps, and a bunch of other FOMO-and-nerd-driven topics and products. I even created and shared my own daily note template.
Yet, in the real world, I gravitate toward pencil and paper as the productivity tool.
The world of action (however pompous this sounds). No one around here talks about pkm or any of its adjacent products. They are just very successful and use very archaic tools like paper notebooks and pens.
I’m pointing to a correlation, not more and not less. If there seems to be a guise of causality, I can point to myself as the instance that weakens the cause-effect argument.
The tools have already been here. The brain connects ideas, not Obsidian.
To differentiate myself, I use pencil.