began reading this book (Diálogos III, Platón) at least five years late. I bought it at Librería Communitas in Lima but put it aside because I was hoping to find a good English edition. There is, however, nothing better than Biblioteca Clásica Gredos when it comes to the great classics of Greece and Rome.

In the first dialogue, Phaedo, one can find signs of the ethical position of a philosopher. Let's note that, for the Greeks, there were three classes of people (exclude servants, slaves, or the vanquished): (a) people who buy and sell things, (b) people who compete, (c) above them all, the philosopher.

clear reasoning and argumentation

When one trusts an argument as true, without being skilled at logical reasoning, then one finds the same argument as false, and this happens repeatedly with several arguments.

It would be regrettable to hate reasoning and argumentation and, thus, live deprived of truth and real knowledge. A hatred that is born from failing to recognize our own lack of skill ("impericia") with logical reasoning.

the uneducated

The uneducated do not behave philosophically but seek victory. When they debate some topic, they do not attempt to follow the reasoning of that which they are debating, but simply try to have the audience concur with what they are presenting.