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the blog of l.arrieta

the blog of l.arrieta

this is where i document the useless and unimportant things that i enjoy: poetry, travel, books, photos, surfing, science, cats

the victim card on Christmas Eve

the victim card on Christmas Eve

for what would so soon destroy all the order of society, and deform life with violence and ravage, as a permission to every one to judge his own cause...

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

the ambition of petty accomplishments, in which we believe we’re advancing, but a wiser perspective offers the opposite diagnosis.

knocked down to the essentials

the environment is driving me, subconsciously, to choose the effective over the fancy.

my favorite pants that some people hate

The hostility is aimed at the second edition of the Stretch Zions because there were changes in the fabric and the button.

the tools were already there

the tools were already there

The tools have already been here. The brain connects ideas, not Obsidian.

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James Popsys

James Popsys

Official website of British conceptual photographer James Popsys

descubre al cojudazo que llevas dentro!

David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson

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