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the blog of l.arrieta

the blog of l.arrieta

this is where i document the useless and unimportant things that i enjoy: poetry, travel, books, photos, surfing, science, cats

making photos look old

there's something endearing about spending a couple thousand dollars on a brand new full-frame camera to then process the heck out of the photos to make them look as if they were taken with a $15 disposable film toy.

the day I finished The Rambler

the day I finished The Rambler

in every man's life, however splendid or modest, there are episodes that mark one's journey as a reader or as a person. Reading Samuel Johnson's essays is both a personal and a reader milestone.

the victim card on Christmas Eve

the victim card on Christmas Eve

for what would so soon destroy all the order of society, and deform life with violence and ravage, as a permission to every one to judge his own cause...

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

the ambition of petty accomplishments, in which we believe we’re advancing, but a wiser perspective offers the opposite diagnosis.

knocked down to the essentials

the environment is driving me, subconsciously, to choose the effective over the fancy.

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rick beato, a man with taste

rick beato, a man with taste

"music is composed of melody, harmony, and rhythm... and these days many of the popular songs are rhythm only." (Charly Garcia)

mediocre amateur

mediocre amateur

trail running, hiking, climbing, skiing, and travel we’re not experts we’re amateurs.

james popsys

james popsys

james's photos have a unique mood in them, like when I was looking at the full moon in my last camping trip

descubre al cojudazo que llevas dentro!

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